As your baby starts to become more mobile with crawling or taking their first steps, it is important for you to take some steps around your home to make it safe for your child. Baby proofing is generally a gradual job—you might think you’ve covered everything in your approach to childcare in Phoenix, AZ, only […]
Milestones to Celebrate in the Development of Your Toddlers
The development of your child will begin to explode between the ages of 12 and 18 months. This is an exciting time for parents, who will watch their baby start to grow up in front of their eyes and become more like a young kid than a baby every single day. Here’s a quick overview […]
Correct “Bad” Behaviors with These Five Tips
“Bad” behavior is often defined by and dependent on societal norms, but regardless, it can often be disruptive and stressful to children, parents and teachers alike. Positive parenting works to make doing the right thing easy and encourage productive child behaviors in Phoenix, AZ. If you are looking to encourage better habits and behavior, here […]
Building an Effective Partnership with Your Child Care Provider
Building and maintaining a partnership with your child care center is an important element in early childhood education in Phoenix, AZ. The center of this partnership is communication. You need to stay engaged and maintain dialogue with your child’s care provider and teachers. Here are six tips on building this partnership: Learn preferred contact methods: […]
How to Keep Your Daycare Kiddos Healthy During COVID-19
Thanks to COVID-19, also known as the novel coronavirus, a lot of parents and daycare providers have turned their attention to keeping children safe and healthy during the pandemic. While children are less likely to suffer any severe illness or complications, they can contract it or be carriers of the disease. If your daycare remains […]