The fact is that going to preschool is a big change for toddlers. Your child may be used to the constant attention and support that parents or other family members provide, but there’s plenty you can do before they head to preschool to prepare them for this change. Though you may be a little bit […]
How You Can Make Your Children More Resilient
It’s been nearly a year since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the United States and began affecting just about every area of our lives. In these difficult times, children and adults alike have had to be more resilient than ever to adapt to unusual day-to-day circumstances. Children are far more resilient than one might expect, especially […]
How Daycare Programs Are Created with Infants in Mind
When you have a baby in need of childcare, it’s important you find a daycare program that has been designed with infants in mind. Not every daycare facility in Phoenix, AZ accepts infant daycare enrollment—some are designed primarily for toddlers and up—so you must do your due diligence before selecting a daycare program to make […]
The Importance of Sharing Holidays You Don’t Celebrate in Preschool
Depending on your culture, religion and social circle, you probably celebrate at least some holidays, but very few families celebrate them all. However, there’s a lot to be gained from exposing your children to holidays from other cultures, even if you don’t celebrate them at home. Here’s why your child’s preschool activities during the holidays […]
Promoting Social Interaction in Preschool
Social interaction is a big part of preschool development and children’s learning in Phoenix, AZ. Whether your children are learning at home, a daycare or in a hybrid environment, social and emotional learning (SEL) helps foster a sense of community and safety for children. Although previous research has related SEL to “soft skills,” recent studies […]