Easy Activities To Sharpen Preschooler’s Scissor Skills

Scissor skills are essential to your child’s life as he grows and continues to undertake various activities. In addition, scissor activities help develop fine motor skills they’ll need as they age. Here are some unique preschool activities you can consider.

1. Paper Bag Haircuts

You will need some old newspapers, a paper bag, and a stapler. First, you need to gather all the materials, then let your child cut out a head from the paper bag. First, ensure that he makes a hole big enough to put his head through it. Secondly, give him several sheets of old newspapers, then help him to cut them into different pieces. After that, let him try to staple the paper onto the paper bag to serve as a hairstyle.

2. Shaving Cream Painting

Get a shaving cream can, some construction paper, and a paintbrush. Put some shaving cream into a bowl, then add a few drops of food coloring. Help your kid to stir the mixture, then let him apply it to the construction paper using a paintbrush. Use scissors to cut fun shapes from his creation. When he’s done, you can put the artwork in a frame.

3. Pipe Cleaner Sculptures

You will need pipe cleaners, pompoms, construction paper, glue, and googly eyes for pipe cleaner sculptures. First, show your kid how to make a basic shape with the pipe cleaners, such as a circle or a square. After that, he can add details to the sculpture by adding pompoms and googly eyes. Cut fun shapes from the construction paper to decorate the sculpture. This will help to improve his fine motor skills.

4. Scissor Skills Treasure Hunt

Scissor activities that involve treasure hunts are always a hit with kids. You will need some construction paper, scissors, and tape for this activity. Give your child a piece of construction paper and help him cut it into fun strips and shapes. Then, hide the pieces and allow the child to find his creations. This will help improve his scissor skills and his problem-solving skills.

5. Nature Cutting Tray

In this case, a nature cutting tray is a good way of developing your kid’s scissor skills. You will need a tray, some leaves, and twigs for this activity. First, you need to collect some leaves and twigs from the yard. After that, let your kid arrange them on the tray. Once he’s done, he can use his scissors to cut them into different shapes. This will help to improve his scissor skills as well as his creativity.


These are some easy activities you can do to improve your preschooler’s scissor skills. With these activities, your kid will be able to develop his scissor skills and his fine motor skills. Contact Magical Star Preschool to know more.

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