The importance of parent and teacher communication cannot be stressed enough. For a child to succeed well in school, it often requires a team effort from the teaching staff and the parents of the student involved. It’s easier to communicate between both sides if you know a few basic tips to make this happen. You […]
Potential Risks If Your Child Gets Bit in Day Care
One of the downsides to having a child in daycare is the risk of injury. No matter how well-mannered and closely monitored children are, there can be unfortunate circumstances that can occur. One of these involves biting. It’s important to know the risks regarding child bites. Knowing how to treat a bite from a child […]
How To Properly Baby Proof Your Home
Welcoming a little bundle of joy into your life is an exciting time. However, it doesn’t come without a little bit of anxiety. Children grow up and start crawling and walking and get into literally everything. There are hazards all throughout your home, so it is important to take the steps necessary to properly babyproof […]
Top 6 Best New Year’s Resolutions To Consider as a Parent for 2023
Being a parent can be a very challenging job. While it can come with a lot of joy, parents will take on additional stress and concern for their children’s development. For those who believe they have struggled as a parent in the past, the New Year can be a great time to make some changes. […]
Infant Care Tips during Flu Season
We love our kids, and we want them to be happy and healthy. This can be difficult for kids of all ages, but especially for infants that cannot take care of themselves. There are some things that you can do to help advocate for your infant and help keep them healthy this flu season. How […]