Sending your child off to daycare is a big step for both you and them. In addition to ensuring that they’re ready to spend time away from you every day, you need to find a facility that works for your child. When you take the time to research childcare centers in Phoenix, AZ, your child […]
Is Your Child Ready for Preschool?
As your child grows from an infant into a tiny person, they have different needs—including education and socialization. Many parents start considering preschool enrollment in Phoenix, AZ for their toddler, especially if they need childcare during work hours. But how do you know whether your child is ready? Just because they’re in the two and […]
Why Is Day Care Good for Your Child?
We all want the best for our children—of that, there is no doubt. As they enter those crucial impressionable years just before kindergarten, the question becomes how they should spend their time. Ideally, you could keep them home all day, but that’s impractical for most families in the United States. Some resort to a babysitter, […]
How Do Children Learn and Explore Through Play?
When you went to school, the odds are good that playtime stopped fairly rapidly after a certain point. You were there to learn, and to complete exercises designed to turn you into a functional member of society. That’s all well and good, but what did it do for your desire to learn? Modern child psychologists […]
Benefits of After-School Programs
The ages between five and 12 can be tricky for kids. They’re entering a new world of education and taking their first steps toward independence, but they’re not quite ready for their own house key and bus schedule. In these cases, after-school programs in Phoenix, AZ can serve as the perfect place for kids and […]